Blackberry App Development Services

Isconic employs a robust and skilled team of BlackBerry app developers providing end-to-end solutions or individual services including business analysis, design, development, QA, and project management. Isconic’s BlackBerry app developers have a multitude of experience developing on the two main platforms used by BlackBerry applications that include Java 2 Micro Edition (JSME) and the BlackBerry Mobile Data System (BlackBerry MDS).

Our development team has experience creating powerful apps that can take advantage of such BlackBerry features as GPS navigation, push data, and streaming media, as well as help to extend business services or build games. Appnovation’s mobile developers have the skills, knowledge and access to the technical tool-sets needed to deliver BlackBerry app solutions specific to your sector and business needs/requirement thus helping your business grow faster and better.

  • Agile BlackBerry application development and project methodology
  • Assistance with getting apps in BlackBerry’s App World
  • Award winning mobile app development solutionsCollaborative, transparent and client-focused approach
  • Competitive rates for BlackBerry app design and development talent
  • Cross-functional team of 250+ experts based in North America, Europe & Asia
  • Cross-platform mobile and HTML5-based application solutions
  • In-house, front-end experts: Business Analysts, UX/UI Specialists & Designers
  • Proven track record of successful BlackBerry application project delivery
  • Rapid, cost-effective services for app development services
  • Rigorous quality assurance (QA) testing before “Go-Live” events